Places for a meeting on neutral ground?

- in Nintendo

A good friend and I want to meet again, but for some reason we do not have the opportunity to meet each other at home. Correspondingly, what places you can think of where two good friends can meet in peace and sit together with your Nintendo Switch.


I would have said in a bar / pub on a few beers, but since you called "Nintendo Switch" a playground would probably be preferable to a bar / pub.


In a bakery corner in the discounter or in the cafeteria in Kaufhof


Cafeteria is worth considering, thanks


Glad I could help you.


On a lake at a boat party. On the water, I think the ideal place for such a meeting. Of course, the season plays a role, now, of course, not in winter. It's more like a glass of mulled wine under the Christmas tree.


In the summer would be directly to the lake, there you see me day and night. But as you said, bad in the winter


Not funny, did not laugh


You seem to have just missed the fact that a playground is actually a good place for it. I suppose you are still children, otherwise the question can't be explained.

Children in a playground are not unusual, so why should not you go there as well? You play on your switch and not in the sandbox, but nobody forces you to go into the sandbox.


@ Hobon One can dodge in the woods, right? You write at the lake you see day and night, are you lifeguards?


No, we're not children. Rather young adults with 20 and 19


I would not bathe at the lake with us unless you want to die from illnesses.


@Hobon There remain for a meeting only the forests, after which everything was excluded.

I hope your lake is over all warning signs on, "if he is so health-promoting" is.


Luckily, Isser


What then speaks for example Against a public park? Sure, it looks a bit nasty when two young adults play in the park with their console, but it actually does it in every public place.

It would also be possible to use e.g. A forest, there are many forests with footpaths and park benches, there you can take before a coffee or something to eat.

But as already mentioned, two young adults who spend their time with children's consoles seem a bit naughty everywhere in the public. Please do not take that as an insult, that's just my point of view. And yes, I know the switch and I know that you can have fun with it as an adult, but the console is not advertised without reason for and with children.