Buy Skyrim for Switch?

- in Nintendo

Since I grew up with Nintendo and so never played real Western RPGs with big open world I wanted to ask me if Skyrim (just for 30 euro on sale) is worth the switch.

By comparison, I've only played Zelda Breath of the Wild so far, but that's not Western RPG. There I really liked the big game world and it's pretty much the best game I've played so far.

But still missing many classic RPG elements such as a real level system, crafting etc. Since I do not know something and also the old graphics style critical I'm not sure if Skyrim is really something for me. 30 euro are for me as a student at least 30 euro and even if I'm very open to new games that is just something completely foreign to me.

I would be very happy about a nice answer.


Yeah, get it, it's such a great thing to play as an inveterate Nintendo guy and Skyrim is a very good game I recommend it to you.


I have spent countless hours playing the game on the Xbox 360 and on my PC, and I enjoy playing it today. The game has a lot of quests and quests that you can do and a huge map has it. I would recommend the game to you.


I've never had a Nintendo console and I only know Zelda by hearsay.

Skyrim is not my favorite
I like games with history. Skyrim lets you do everything, but lumbers in the kiddie pool story-wise. I defeated the final boss, was top mufti of any imaginable guild - and no NPC recognizes me… That works better. (Just to mention a sticking point)
In my opinion, it is kept alive only by the modding community.

I got it for a 5s at the flea market, and I would not want to spend more on that personally.


Thanks for the star

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