Buying on a fake website?

- in Nintendo

I recently (on January 13th) wanted to order a Nintendo Switch on the page. The site seemed to be serious. Since the console was there in a not unrealistic offer, I told my father to order it there. He probably thought that it is also a reputable website and accordingly paid with prepayment via bank transfer (only payment option).

According to this article (, there's suspicion of a fake page on the website. What we did get is an invoice via email (which is not dubious).

Now I wonder: what can I do if it's really a fake page? Can you take legal action? If so, who should you report?


How do you make a "serious impression"?

The site has no imprint, you can't find any information about the operator.

Try calling the bank immediately, but you can probably write off the money…

And it doesn't look like a "realistic offer" if you look at comparative prices:

According to the address under "Contact" the shop should be here, does not look like it:


There's an address on their page


Karl-Hromadnik-Strasse 18

81241 Munich

In case of doubt, this is your first point of contact.

What is in this warning about fakeshops

"There's no imprint on the website stating the online shop operator. However, this is required by law in Germany."

at least not true, because an address is given


Looks more realistic than most fake sites. Trustworthy looks different, however, especially since the imprint only consists of a note about non-liability. Also, that some items are 80 euro cheaper here than other offers, should make you wonder. You can of course take legal action, but in preparation, the relevant site operators are mostly abroad.


"According to the address under" Contact "the shop should be here, doesn't look like it:"

Why not? This is a pure online mail order business and it can be in this house


However, the imprint must also be found under the menu item Imprint. That is not the case here.


Only one construction company is listed on the Internet. It is unlikely that this multi-room building will house both a construction company and an online retailer.


Hm is true again, but there's a phone number, so the FS should just call


In connection with the missing imprint and several other features, it is clear that the address, like the whole page, is a fake.


So I would have intended to just refer to the right of withdrawal. If nothing comes of it, I would have to live with the fact that I was too stupid to pay close attention to the side.