Why is the Nintendo Switch pulling so much internet?

- in Nintendo

I have a PS4 a PC and a switch when I connected all three runs the Internet on the switch well but if I want to do something on the PS4 or on the PC at the same time like. On Youtube watch a video, it lasts longer than usual… Before where I did not have the switch I could use PC and PS4 wonderful together… I have my PS4 disconnected from the Internet and only used switch and PC and still has nothing loaded s.PC… So unlike when only PS4 and PC are connected pulls the switch even if the PS4 is not connected to much Internet where I would have thought that the PS4 pulls more Internet…

And I do while I'm on the PC a video is not looking for anything that Internet needs at the switch


With the switch has certainly nothing to do, which has the download of updates or play synonymous no major internet load than your ps or your pc.


But I've tested it… If only PS4 and PC are connected, the Internet is better on the PC than if only switch and PC are connected