What should I do? - 1

- in Nintendo

Hy you.

my girlfriend loves to gamble. It's a big hobby of hers. I'm afraid she's addicted… She has a wii, an xbox and a pc. She has a lot of online buddies. I almost have the feeling that she gets along better with guys, which doesn't really matter.

Now she's been playing with the other guy for almost two weeks, they also write every day and snap each other. He knows that she has me as a friend And we're happy. I know the guy, but mark only fleetingly. I've talked to him a number of times. Now it is the case that my girlfriend hardly wants to play with me or write Will and spends the whole afternoon with mark. I think it's just too much jealous because I'm not used to that or something…

and she doesn't hide it from me that she has someone to play and write with…

i have to admit that i'm not the best video gamer at gaming, and mark * is better than me. You also attach great importance to winning while gambling, who wants to lose?

I'm jealous and wonder if there's something going on between them… Or do you think she has more fun playing and winning when she gambles with them?! I mean, yes, she plays with me but rarely.

We recently had an argument, so my girlfriend and I, because I would restrict you too much with your circle of friends and inouncto social contacts. She has just completely broken off contact with someone important to her.

Do you think she just wants a little time off from me because we have had really intensive contact over the last few months and she likes to talk to someone new again or does she need a few days or weeks off from me or even wants to distance herself from me?

I don't know how to interpret all of this… It's all so much at once

I think she will understand too late that we have too little contact because of it


Does something else besides gambling, go out with her, then she'll be busy with you.


My partner also gambles more with his buddies than with me. These included female friends. He has more fun with them because they are better and they like more games together. That does not bother me. I trust him and I know that he only loves me.

If so, you are more likely to drive them away through your jealousy. And should she really take him, then her feelings for you would not have been real anyway. But until then, you should still trust her. ChikiChik is right that you should do something else with her like cycling or swimming. But for now, cling less and give her more freedom.


Even if I don't get an answer from her for hours when I'm on the road?


Yes. If mine is gambling, he won't talk to me either. You are then concentrated on the game ^^ It would only be questionable if she has nothing to do and still does not answer. Or when she declines to meet.


Well, she doesn't. So everything is in budda after all


Just ^^