Should I get The Legend of Zelda ocarina of time?

- in Nintendo

Hello I'm buying a new nintendo 2ds would like to buy a few games for it and consider whether I should get ocarina of time. The game is supposed to be unique somehow but I'm not sure yet.


The game is awesome. It really worked.

If you're not sure, watch a video on Youtube about the game.

I can only recommend it to you


Ok thanks for the tip I don't want to get a game where I'm bored right away


Back then it was great too! But the idea with the video is good; I also like to watch gameplay videos when I'm unsure. 😉


It's not unique, because pretty much all 3D Zeldas with the exception of Breath of the Wild have the same structure in terms of controls and playing style.

It is definitely a classic that is very popular among fans and is also available for just 20 euro, which is rather unusual for Nintendo titles.

You can only decide whether it is for you. In any case, it is recommended to watch videos on YouTube to assess whether you can do something with the game.