Compulsive jealousy?

- in Xbox

My boyfriend and I are together for almost 3 years now, it works fine for the most part. Just. Sometimes I miss a little bit of time together… He prefers spending time at the xbox. Basically I have nothing against it, I'm just the opinion that "we" is a bit too short for us. But that's not the main problem. What really bothers me is that he started playing regularly in a clan and there are also some girls at the start. Which is not a drama. BUT. I hear how he talks about the headset in teamspeak with them. And for my taste, he got on with one of them a bit too well. Has now also her number, etc. He has never been physically alien to me but there were already a few things he did behind my back with women. (from writing, naked pics to make up the meeting)

I think if he sees the chance with a woman, he takes her immediately. I do not think so.

Now it is always so when he plays with her and who understand each other so well I directly have a cramp in my stomach, anger sadness disappointment. Everything comes up.

Although it may not be justified.

I'm just afraid to lose him because he finds another better, has more in common with her ect.

Do I turn slowly and am pathologically jealous or like others?

Bzw what can I do that I'm not so dirty when he plays with her, for example? I do not want to restrict him so much and say like a fury "you do not play with that", but I do not want to have that burning sensation any more.


I can understand you well, I would not put off so easily.

What I would do in your place, I would tell him frankly how you are doing, and wait to see how he reacts.

Tell him calmly what you feel and that you do not like to see what he does.

I just want to tell you, you do not have to worry if your fears come true:

Quote from fischlein88: I'm just afraid to lose him because he finds another better, has more in common with her ect.

I think you should look at you! That's the most important thing now.


If you love a person very much, you're just jealous. This is completely normal.

I would watch him for a few days and see what happens.

Then I would say that you do not want that.

If he really loves you, he leaves something like that.