Gameboy turns off by itself?

- in Nintendo

My Gameboy comes on, the usual Nintendo lettering comes in from above. However, while the Nintendo logo is displayed, the logo is paler, until the Gameboy is then completely out. After that you can still turn it on and off, but more than a few black lines on the screen, which then quickly disappear, nothing. Not once a sound! I have already replaced the batteries, but did not help.

Does anyone have any idea how I can solve the problem?


Is it still an old Gameboy with the cards?
That's where blowing often helped!


It's not the card. Have tried it with several games, have in all reining, but without success.


Mies, batteries are too full? If so, unfortunately, I would not know any further.

The new batteries are also good / full is not necessarily safe. Would use a battery tester.


This only happens when the Gameboy is empty, but that's why you have changed the batteries, it will not be


If it is a Gameboy, it is most likely due to old age