Can I show the seller (sister)?

- in Nintendo

I bought a Nintendo switch on eBay.

The seller came across as very trustworthy and I paid with PayPal buyer protection.

He sent me the tracking number a day later.

Unfortunately, the package did not reach me and it ended up in a completely wrong region.

The seller has been in contact with me repeatedly, we have both contacted Hermes several times.

Now it has turned out that a completely elaborated address was on the parcel label. It looks like the sister of the seller has something to do with it, she brought the package to the parcel shop.

The buyer has since paid back my money because I asked for it.

Can I still place an ad?


The purpose of an advertisement would be to get your money back.

But you've already got the money back.

Then why an ad?!


I don't know if it's very important to you but when you have your money back it's actually not that bad.

That is why I also estimate that the procedure will result in little for you apart from a lot of stress and work so I would advise you against an advertisement… But that's my opinion


I don't think you can do much there. If you hadn't got your money back, it would be something else, but at most you can say that you could not take advantage of the offer. That this was apparently a private sale, you can try it but it won't bring you much except stress and possibly costs. Counter question: Why do you want to report the sister at all? You got your money back. Just take it and check it off.


Delivering the package to the wrong address is not a criminal offense.

Out of interest, did the UK say why their sister did that? An attempt to defraud would be a crime. But whether that goes through as an attempt… With Paypal must be sent to the address stored in PP, otherwise nothing goes wrong with cheating, will only be n own goal.


Because she took the switch out of the package. And pretended to have sent her (for her sister). Waited two weeks for it. Now I have my money back. Wouldn't have got it anyway.


But the switch was not in the package.

But the seller knew nothing.


Well, fraud requires intent. Then nothing will come of it.


Why cost? Can go to the police.

Because I waited two weeks for my Nintendo. And she just sent an empty package.

(Saleswoman knew nothing)


But the sister can I display right?


I don't know if she acted deliberately, maybe she is stupid because the whole process already sounds stupid. But if she wanted to cheat behind her sister's back, yes.


Yes she wanted. Can I also display them? Or just her sister?


Then she almost cheated on the sister. Or am I wrong?


No you can't / you don't have to.

Maybe the sister accidentally gave the wrong address. (No matter whether it makes no sense - the German legal system is very meticulous when it comes to getting a report through.)


Yes, you can make a complaint in itself, but for what there are really more important tasks that the police have to take care of than an actually solved case. In addition, I think that it will not work because the sister (which probably was) simply says she forgot to put it in (I do not know the facts) or thought she was already there.


But there was no switch in the package either


The purpose of filing a complaint is to hold someone accountable for a crime.

Any claims (goods, money, …) must be asserted under civil law.