Is a switch worth it?

- in Nintendo

I used to play this Pokemon with a friend (I liked to play at that time, but that's a good 17 years ago).

And found the switch interesting.

I'm more casual and would not wear the switch now around and thus in the train games. (Except for longer train ride, which is rather rare).

I have a pretty good PC where everything goes so far and I'm more like the indie / RPG player or setup / simulation.

Is there a switch worth it? I would not be like the "we're doing a games" evening guy. So gamble in front of the console with more people. That's not my case.

What do the switch players say? Why did you buy one?

I played for the Wii like Monster Hunter Tri… Is there one for the Switch? And yes, is it good / why?

ACH YES: is the online usage of the Swich free? Or do you need any memberships like XBOX and Co?


I'm also superior to the switch. I find Nintendo the most chilling of the games. Nice single player games that you can play occasionally. Not like Xbox, PS or PC where you just try against tryhards and addiction in almost exclusively shooter games to rip something while the ears are being whipped out.


That is in my opinion overpriced dirt. Just because of the 32gb internal memory you can see how stingy the company is and that at a price of 330 euro. If the switch would be 130 euro cheaper and would not cost 20 euro a year for playing online, then it would be worthwhile to occasionally tease the exclusive titles, but unfortunately that is not the case.


So I've never read such a nonsense here. An absolute troll commentary that no human needs.


What did I misspell the fanboy? 32gb internal memory, 20 euro for multiplayer. These are facts that people need before they get something you're probably just looking at the logo but others are looking at what the device is equipped with.


Ah found boy, yes it is clear ^^ something that you are not considered worthy to call dirt is now absolute nonsense. What you say about memory space, everyone knows that, even if he is interested in a device. I have nunmal a switch and I can commentaries nauseated. I know the advantages of the console and you learn to appreciate only when you use them, and not as you rely on "hearsay"


No one can't, man should test a product before you give his - in your case, childlike opinion. Oh and by the way, googel the prices again new ^^ your great 2013er konsolengeneration is the way big as n vhs old videorecorder, make you think about the components, then even you may have a little light on, battery life, no place for ne ssd but only flash etc, etc…