Is the switch still worth it after 2 new switches have been announced?

- in Nintendo

I would like to get a Nintendo Switch. Ber I heard that there have been announced 2 new switch. The Switch mini and Pro. I'd like to know if it's worth picking up the old switch or should I wait. If you can't give me clear answers, could you please tell me when the new Switch Pro will come out? 2019 or early 2020? I might pick up the old switch if it does not arrive until 2020. But if it comes in 2019, maybe I'll wait.


This info was not confirmed by Nintendo. I think if a pro / mini comes out, that will not happen until the middle of the 20th.


There will be no new consoles and so far it's just a rumor. The switch is definitely worth it.


Since Nintendo will not like Sony and MS on a Pro version set, unlimited access even now.