Nintendo friend code invalid?

- in Nintendo

Before I ask Nkntendo Support and they don't answer me, I wanted to ask here. A friend of mine sent me his friend code and it starts with MA. I can't set this when entering a friend code. I can only enter codes that start with SW. Why is that?

Why does his code start with MA?

Or is that a limitation for me and I have to buy something?


In any case, that can't be right with MA. The friend codes were introduced with the 3DS and are always 12 digits without letters, for the switch there's only a SW before the 12 digit code so that you know that this is a switch friend code. The software does not even have to be entered at adden. There can be no restrictions and you don't have to buy anything.


MA is a creator ID for designs in game animal crossing new horizons. The friend code is in the switch menu at the top of the profile pictures. Your friend has probably made a mistake xD