Change Nintendo Switch main console? - 1

- in Nintendo

Hi. Unfortunately I have not yet found a solution to my problem, Nintendo does not respond, which is understandable at this time. Maybe someone of you has some advice…

My daughter has a Nintendo Switch and plays with the Animal Crossing game card, this console is registered as the main console with my Nintendo Account.

Now I bought my own switch, with the download code for Animal Crossing, to create a new island (for me). Unfortunately I used and linked the same account for this switch, stupid error…

Now only my daughter can play on her island with her card or I can play on my island with the downloaded game from the eShop at the same time. But we want to play at the same time, each for himself, at the same time.

If I delete the account, I'm afraid that the downloaded game will no longer be available. Now I've read about the change in the registry of the main console. If I now register my new console (the one with the download) as the main console, will all our data still be available afterwards, i.e. My daughter's score on your game card and the downloaded game on the (then registered) main console?

Sorry, so many questions… I'm really desperate…


You can simply play with the downloaded game of yours - it's saved on the account, & you can start a new game with the card and your own profile.

The game is saved on the console, it doesn't matter who uses the card.

Have fun


Sorry, I do not understand. She has been playing with the card since April and would like to continue this game and not give up the game. I want to start over with the code. However, since we have the same account, we can't play at the same time. For this I need a solution…


Okay I'll explain it to you:-)

You take the card out of your daughter's device.

Download the game to your daughter's console, since you both use the same account, you can start the download in the store on your daughter's console.

If your daughter starts the game now, everything will be the same as with the card, since the game is saved on her console.

You now put the card in your console, create a new free account & tada, you can play independently.

Everything your daughter has earned will be there. It is not saved on the card (but on the console)

Have fun


Wow, I would never have come up with such a solution… I will try it right now, sounds doable:-) Thank you SeraSaphira for your time and the tip, that would be awesome if it could work like this…


No problem that will work, have fun


It worked exactly as you described it.


I'm very happy about that.