Is radiation from Bluetooth gaming headsets dangerous?


Is it dangerous?

In particular from the:

But of course the question is also general.


The term "radiation" is a corrupting generalization of the term "ionizing radiation". The latter destroys cell molecules and thus cells or causes cancer. Ionizing radiation can be X-ray light, for example.

Yes, OK, radio waves are also sent out with BT, which can also be referred to as radiation. But in the end, a certain frequency range of radio waves or more precisely electromagnetic waves is used for communication between computer and headset.

To speak of "radiation" here is misleading.


If the 'radiation' were really dangerous then these products should of course not be sold… Whether it is really always as harmless as it is told is now an open question… But of course it is not as bad as classifying radiation…

I wouldn't worry too much about that though…

I mean, you also have Wi-Fi at home… Do you also think about whether that is dangerous?

In addition, the headset you sent is not a Bluetooth headset… At least the manufacturer does not talk about it… There's talk of a 2.4 GHz headset (which in this case probably means 'slower Wi-Fi')

It doesn't matter whether the headset is the best choice in general, that wasn't your question, so it remains to be seen…

You shouldn't worry about the wireless headset here because it uses frequencies that are already in your home anyway (Wi-Fi / RC stuff)