Why does my PlayStation spit CD's while playing?

- in PlayStation
Why does my PlayStation spit CD s while playing Why does my PlayStation spit CD s while playing - 1

Hello friends,

I've had a problem with my PlayStation 4 Pro for about a month.

No matter which game I play, after a certain time the game crashes and I have to re-insert the CD. I've tried everything. I rebuilt the database, I completely initialized the PS4. I cleaned it down to the last speck of dust (also from the inside).

And it can't be because of the CD's either, because that happens with all games, which is very annoying.

I would be so grateful if you had a solution for me, since the guarantee has already expired and I'm slowly desperate


Has that happened from day to day, so to speak, you noticed day to day that your PS4 had something


Your drive may be damaged. You could also try resetting your PS4 to factory settings.


Yes exactly


Okay I'll try Thanks👍🏻


But save your scores beforehand!


There you have your answer, I would not have thought of anything else


Thanks to both of you👍🏻 I'll try now