Parents just nag what to do?

- in PlayStation

I don't know if you may have had similar experiences, but I need some advice or something similar.

My parents just go on the handle with me… They just turn me on that I'm going to get fat or something… My BMi is 20 … They also accuse me of not doing anything all day… Just like this… We were with relatives from last Friday to Sunday… The day started at 9:00 yesterday… Sunday evening I came home and met a few friends online. Monday then, I was doing sports for 1h30min. (Gym) and then I had a barbecue for 6 hours with one or two friends until around 0:30 … Today I didn't do anything… Say I slept until 11:00 and got something else… During the day I enjoyed the sun and again in the evening with friends virtually via Ps4, but they always put me there as if I were the last bum who doesn't do anything all day and is just lazy… It may also be that I'm wrong, so I would be very happy about yours Experience and advice… I just turned 16


You can move out when you're old enough


How old are you?




Go ahead and talk to your parents directly, ask them what you think they should do and what they're happy with. Also ask them why it is important to them and listen carefully. Also explain that you feel misunderstood and look for a compromise. If your parents do not want to talk to you on an equal footing, you are unfortunately unlucky that your parents do not respect you enough


Since you are 16, you can look for a training place / study place far away in another city directly after school and move away. Or you just move away.


Netto… I need at least the specialty for my dream job

Unfair / parents? Ke KennedyButterfly
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