1 Gigabit but only 300K arrives?

- in PlayStation

Andzwar my question is why I only receive 300K although I should arrive at 1 gigabit or at least 900K I have asked the Vodafone how much should arrive to me and how he could check it on Pc should arrive 1 gigabit, so I still have my router not programmed I have indeed got an introduction where so it says voher so and after her perfect even better it brings me there to tinker? Especially when several devices connect the router goes off and I have to wait 15 minutes the devices at home Ps4 television and my cell phone everything without any problems but as soon as a guest is there and I give him my wireless it breaks off immediately what is it?


Lack of performance can have many reasons

too old CAT cable
Router does not support 1Gbit
WLAN is ALWAYS weaker than LAN


Ah ok yes to router, it can now be net is the only eig specialized for 1 Gigabit but I think that is more the connection is also an old house and the lan is better than w-lan that anyway but then would be no 700K would be missing again too much of a good one.


Well in 2.4GHz network can happen something like that

But think you will be in the 5

If the router but 1Gbit arrives as the technician says it is somewhere on the output or the devices


Yes there's 2.4-5ghz do not know me but I can get there but thank you.