Which Assassin's Creed for Newcomers?

- in PlayStation

Today I have a look in the Playstation Shop and I immediately noticed that Assassins Creed Unity, Syndicate and Black Flag are on offer.

I wondered which of course is better, but that's always relatively subjective.

Then I just wanted to turn to the community here and thought that I can get a better look here.

So here are a few points in which I would have liked the 3 "geranked".

combat mechanics
Variation (quests)
playing Time
Leveling / Skillsystem

and best still your own opinion.

I know this is a bit of a hype, but I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out a bit because I really do not have a clue about Assassin's Creed, and so on. So I have no plan.

If you still need any information, maybe concerning which games I like to play, then please write, then I edit this post again.

A thousand thanks in advance,

platinum Wolf


First assassin's creed 2


So, first listen. Let me break your rules, because I'll give you my opinion on all three games based on your points and not for the best rank, you can look at that.

1 combat mechanics

The best mechanics have Syndicate by far. Since Ubisoft has been quite a lot of effort to develop new combat mechanics. Unity is just behind, because the battles in Unity are spectacular, but at some point you recognize the pattern as well. Loser here is actually Black Flag, because the fighting is just too easy and they ALWAYS follow the same system. Except for the difference that some soldiers have other combat mechanics, everything else is the same in this regard, but the game does not hurt too much.

2 story

Absolute undisputed winner, clearly: Black Flag. It's actually nothing new that the story has drastically decreased from the Black Flag. The scenario in Black Flag and the atmosphere just fit like a fist in the eye. In Unity, it's not different, because the French Revolution is also a fantastically exciting time, but the humor and the depth does not come to Boyfriend Rann. Absolute loser is by far Syndicate. Not that the game is boring, but the story is monotonous and strong on the principle that there's evil so make him cold. In the end then the "final boss" and that's it. The relationship between the two siblings, however, is well done.

3 quests

None of the three games I would prefer here, because each has good and bad quests and they fit the settings.

4 game length

It's been a long time since I played all three. Pure in spirit, Black Flag was the longest and Unity the shortest. (without add ons)

5 graphic

Funnily, some say Syndicate is the ugliest AC, but I can't agree with that at all. For me Syndicate is graphically a blast. From the details, it does not quite come close to Unity, in this game I'm just impressed by the city of Paris and the incredible love of detail, yet Syndicate is a bit more "modern". Black Flag is understandably behind in this league, even if it does not look ugly, on the contrary!

6 fun

I searched all three parts in a row. They all make immense fun and nobody has to hide there. Personally, Boyfriend did me a great deal, because I mean, you're just a pirate captain, yes hello! In Syndicate, of course, the carriages and I tell you, it's great fun to take apart the streets of London!

7 leveling

I'm a 0 in the field. All I can say is that the system at Black Flag was the simplest and I liked Syndicate the most because there was a lot of choice, but it was nothing special. In Boyfriend, of course, you could still level up your ship.

8 weapons

The biggest selection (if I'm not mistaken) was in Unity. In Black Flag it was unfortunately that the weapons in a class played almost all the same. In Unity it was already better, but in Syndicate I found it was best to play.

9 multiplayer

Clearly Unity. The online co-op in Unity was pretty funny, but AC is simply not an online game. At Black Flag I do not even know if the servers are still running…

Conclusion: All three games are very good, all in their own way. As a beginner, I still recommend you to enter first with Black Flag. That's exactly how I did it and I did not regret it!

But I still have a tip: As a connoisseur of the Assassins Creed series -> Finger away from Origins or Odyssey. ': D


Anticipated. Of those mentioned, Black Flag is the fan favorite. But you should know that it is a series that has already started ~ 2006. So much more games, playful and narrative, are all very different (including the three), but also, to a degree, a common frame story told since 2006. So would start with an earlier part, eg the Ezio trilogy, which contains the parts 2, 2.1 and 2.2. Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate are parts 4,5 and 6. Before, after and in between there are more games.

But starting from the mentioned:


Black Flag and Unity are still somewhat similar, with Unity being a bit more mature. Black Flag also has the gameplay with the ships.

Syndicate is a combo-brawler in the style of the Batman Arkham games (which has unfortunately broken Syndicate with its predecessors). Works playfully, but for assassins who need a few hits nonsense; Subjectively, the worst.


Black Flag offers the most elaborate story. But has little to do with assassins, but more with pirates. Every now and then, you briefly play in the present for the story.

Unity with a revenge story of a young man and Syndicate… I honestly do not know anymore. Found both stories not so great.


Due to the pirate share, Black Flag has bissl variation. Syndicate and Unity have several stealth passages besides the fight.


Depends on your style. Rush Story or 100% Completionist?

Since all three vary between 15-70 hours, depending on the style.


Unity has the best. Shortly afterwards Syndicate, shortly after Black Flag. Otherwise a matter of taste with Paris, Victorian London or the Caribbean.


Black Flag and Unity do not give much. Syndicate comes further back.


Not available in Black Flag. Unity has introduced a skill tree, with different game styles. Syndicate has further deepened this.


In Unity the largest selection. Syndicate a little less, just behind Black Flag (maybe it's the other way around, is a long time ago)


Syndicate has none. In Black Flag there's a kind of robber and gendarme. Unity offers co-op for free roam and individual missions.

I think the whole package is Black Flag. Offers a lot for pirates, for assassins a little less. I liked Unity the best, but Story did not like it that way. Overall, Syndicate was so-so.


Thanks for your answer, I'll look around then, if I somehow come to the predecessors. Would probably play everything chronologically.


Thank you for your answer, I will let the whole information go through my head again and will definitely keep my fingers off Origins and Odyssey sounds like I'm dealing with a pro here. I will try Boyfriend then.


With pleasure. Except for the first part you can easily get on the PS4 and play.

In the end, you do not have to leave your fingers on Origins or Odyssey. Although they do a lot different than the previous games, which does not necessarily make them bad games.


Have fun playing. ^^