Lan embarrassed, but how?

- in PlayStation

I want to lay LAN for my Ps4 because I live in the attic and my room is on the 3rd floor. Hence the question: Can I lay Lan from socket to socket, or do I have to lay further cables upwards from the main connection? By that I mean, you can lay one LAN socket to the other, or do I just have to lay a 30m cable from the main connection


You could also use DLAN


You can run a LAN cable directly from your router to the PS4, provided it is no longer than 100 meters (50 meters for 10 Gigabit via Cat. 6).

What do you mean by "relocating socket to socket"?

I advise against Powerline. If it works at all, it is lame and has high latency times.


What is dLan


So you plug a LAN cable into the router, which then leads into a free socket. In your room, where the PS4 is, you then take a second one that leads from the socket into the Ps4.


So (if my router is 8m on the 1st floor) could I also move a socket to the 2nd floor and so on?


OK thanks


If you also need the can on the 3rd floor, a small switch could be stationed there. This solution is not really that good, but if it doesn't turn out to be a huge chain of switches, little or nothing speaks against it.

up to 6 switches can be switched one behind the other.

I wouldn't do that for an office network or something like that, because every failure of a switch can paralyze the entire network or large parts of it and or if you centralize it, the bottleneck doesn't get so extreme, but it should work for home use.

The only question is how to do it. I would exchange the single socket for a double one and then simply connect the outgoing cable with it.

if it is already a double one, I would replace it with a single one, and "muffle" the second cable past the socket…