Ps 4 YouTube green frame rates?

- in PlayStation

I hope someone can filter my problem out of my confused text😅

Today I got a new monitor for gaming and connected it to my PS4.

I started YouTube and watched a few videos, spooling a bit back and forth between the seconds. When I spooled back and forth a couple of times, green and gray picture sequences came up very briefly (when the target time in the video was reached), so the whole picture almost packed once.

Could it be because of the internet that's been sparing since tonight? The monitor is not. Suddenly it's the same with tv. However, my internet has been charging since today and COD Warzone etc can hardly be played smoothly.

When I wound back and forth, the YT loading symbol came up, and suddenly the picture became very fast, a short run-through, so to speak, I don't know how to describe it.

Could that have something to do with the internet?

Or is my Ps4 broken? I've only had it for 3 weeks and everything has been good so far


I think your connection is currently not good, a cable can help instead of Wi-Fi. Restart the router and if that doesn't help, do various speed tests


Thank you for the fast answer. So do you mean it's connected to the network? Otherwise everything always worked


Yes, it can hang, so restart the router


I've already restarted the router, changed it, etc., but only have 60mbits, otherwise always 80.

Do you think if I buy a LAN cable from Saturn tomorrow, the internet will arrive faster or better on my ps4?


With cable it usually works better as long as you have a reasonable line from the provider and you don't have a 56k modem line, so no cable helps


Okay then I hope it gets better. The YouTube videos also load very strangely, let's see. I thank you in any case. Stay healthy 🦠 maybe a few other answers will come, thank you


Yep, not a thing


Thank you for the star