Discord News Bot?

- in Twitch

I'm looking for a Discord bot that can post news.

This means that the bot takes current news from a platform such as Facbook or Twitter and posts it in a specified channel.

I failed the search myself, found bot's like mee6, carlbot or probot which, according to the developers, should be able to do that.
The only news that send / post is from Youtube, Twitch, Mixer and Reddit, but these platforms are not needed by me, but by Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Maybe one or the other is lucky with the search or already knows a bot who can do something like this.
Your support would help me a lot and take me a step further in my project.


Actually all three bots should work, if not you need a webhook.


No, the 3 bots can't pull data from Facebook or Twitter.
The only options are YouTube, Twitch, Mixer and Reddit