Blown fuse, TV blown, what's wrong?

- in PlayStation

Hi! I would need a brief assessment of people who are familiar with electricity. My TV has just burned out. I plugged it into a multiple socket with a PlayStation. Both devices were on, very suddenly sparks sprayed from the A / C connection of the TV, fuse of the whole room was blown out. I then switched everything back on, the result was that everything works except the TV.

My question now is what could have triggered this. Can this be a problem in the apartment and I should call an electrician or does it "only" have to do with the still quite new television set, which shouldn't happen like that?


It will be on TV.


There will be a defect in the power supply of your TV… Rest of your room is fine… But be sure to pull the plug out of the TV…


So if sparks sprayed out of the mains connection from the TV, either the plug was not firmly in the socket or there's a short circuit on the primary side in the power supply unit on the television.

Did you put the fuse back in and switch it on again?

But first check if the plug is properly seated in the socket.


The causes can't be assessed from a distance. The devices can be faulty, but also the socket, the cables and all lines. Since the television is apparently no longer working, it can be assumed that it is the cause of the short circuit. Yes, you should get an electrician. Electricity is not to be trifled with. Or do you want a room / apartment fire?


My question now is what could have triggered this.

If the fuse blows and sparks come from the TV / power supply, it is probably due to the power supply.


Thanks for the answer! Yes, I have activated the fuse again, everything is connected correctly (also firmly), but the TV does not bother anymore. If it is due to the power supply, could it be solved theoretically with a new one or is it likely that the board is over?


Then please pull the power plug out of the socket immediately before anything worse happens.

It depends on what is defective in the power supply. It should be installed separately

Does the TV still have a guarantee?


That depends on whether your TV has a built-in power supply or an external one. From your question I read that it is built-in. In this case, a new TV should be due, because you can generally no longer be repaired. First of all, the question of age would have to be clarified (guarantee) and secondly - if that doesn't fit the question of whether the contributions for home insurance have been paid.

One of the two is positive: no problem.


Thanks for the quick replies. Yes, the TV has a built-in power supply and at best I was hoping for a repair. In that case, however, I pray that he just has a guarantee and that I will not have a bad surprise when I find the invoice. Lg