PS4 acc banned for more than 7 days?

- in PlayStation

I insulted someone on PS4 on Saturday (I know very stupid of me) shortly afterwards I received an email that I was banned in the mail "The suspension lasts 7 days and will be lifted on. Until the suspension is lifted you can't access online multiplayer, PlayStation Store, and other networking features. " now my question since there's no date or time in the email am i now permanently banned or only for the 7 days? I'm very grateful for answers because I put a lot of money into my account. Lg


You are only banned for 7 days.

If you are still banned after 7 days, write to Playstation Support.


Thanks for the quick answer, but actually I should be able to gamble again after 7 days because there's also temporary.


Exactly, you should actually be able to!

I only wrote "if not". 😅

Then have fun playing!


Thanks 😊


You are only banned for 7 days, suspension is another word for period.