Power failure after a while?

- in PlayStation

Hi. I started my Playstation for 30 minutes today. At some point she went out and it was all over. Living room, kitchen, gaming room and the hamster room. But one room still had electricity. Then everything repeated itself again. Then I turned my Playstation on again, and after 10 minutes it was that way again. Only then the power went out everywhere, and also for over 20 minutes. We checked the fuse and found nothing. Securing the house too. Again nothing. It's been going for 20 minutes now and I'm scared to turn on my Playstation again. Tips?


You have to take her away.

There's a loose contact in it that triggers it.

But someone has to put the FI back in with you, they won't do it on their own.


We live in an apartment and we also have landlords in the house. But not only did our electricity go out, but also the electricity in the stairwell, and our junction box is not responsible for that.


Ask the neighbors.

It may be that a phase has dropped out.

Cause of course still unclear

PS.: You confirmed my assumption in another comment.

Report that to your landlord and the rest is no longer your business.

I recommend that you disconnect sensitive devices such as your Playstation and computer from the mains (pull the plug) until everything works normally again.


You just have to ask who it failed, there can be interference in the network from outside