Nocturnal disturbance by brother - what to do?

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Net User.

I'm 21 years old and start training as a systems integration IT specialist in September, have five younger siblings and still live with my two parents at home. Personally, I have nothing against my family and always try to be considerate and respectful.

For several years (soon three) I almost every night until late at night by one of my brothers (18) kept awake and do not know what to do. In addition, I have a very light sleep and my room is right next to his, which makes it worse. Incidentally, at the same time I started my technical college, but more on that later.

My parents have stopped talking to my brother for a long time because of his belief that my parents hate him (which is not the case at all) and he is always right, which is why talking to him does not help. I have to add that both parents are unemployed (my father was a painter and a painter but can't work anymore after an accident at work while my mother is a housewife). That's why my family has little money, which means that my brother can't keep up with his rich friends.

In any case, the noise began that my brother stayed awake until 11pm and later until midnight, which is not bad at all, only he has a habit of talking aloud, running loud and closing doors instead of using the latch.

Then he started to cook food at night, is also called loud rattle with pan and dishes. But the showers and the toilet were moved further and further back.

As previously indicated, at the time I began the noise as the beginning of my two-year vocational college, which made my sleep even more important, but of which I unfortunately often had too little. Unfortunately, my class was very loud and due to my fatigue, I found it difficult to get through the lesson in the classroom. In the morning I had to take the bus half an hour earlier (due to construction sites). In the end, I had to repeat the first year and have barely managed the second year (until July 2018), which could certainly have been better.

From October 2018 to a week ago, I was accommodated by the Job Center in a kind of measure, where I (because I have not yet found a training place) then applied and was allowed to do some courses / job application training. All the while, it got even worse because my brother bought a PS4 (FSJ money) that he used to gamble into the wee hours (like today, for example, with his buddy from the FSJ, which he used from 1pm to 9pm visited).

Is there any people I can contact for such cases? Anyway, thanks to everyone who took the time to read my Wall of Text.


Well stupid thing, maybe you can apply for Bafög and take off. Or he can exchange the room with one of your siblings. Otherwise you can also try Oropax.


For me, the problem is already clear: you have to move out!

You want to get ahead professionally and the rest of the family will be chilled by HARTZen. That does not fit!

In fact, you are the sturgeon that needs to go. The fun brake that never rocks at night


Go and find work, earn money and finance your credit. What else is not.


Thanks for the answers.

With the undressing I had already in mind… Well, are only 5 1/2 months, until then I'll probably have to be patient. I'll let me know how it works with BAföG.