Cyberpunk 2077 with Medium / High settings: costs for Pc?

- in PlayStation

I have a relatively simple question that I unfortunately can't answer due to my lack of PC skills. But since I have the new Cyberpunk 2077 for the Ps4 (regular) and it's an absolute blurry party, I just wanted to ask, out of interest, what a PC like this would cost with which I can play the game on medium settings at least nice and could play properly (and older games like Battlefield 5 possibly on high / ultra). I'm not interested in a 1500 Euro rig with which I can play Cyberpunk on Ultra, unless the price difference is so small that everything "below" is not worth it.

Thanks for any helpful answer.

Ps actually wanted a Ps5, but you can remove make-up.


Ryzen5 2600/3600, 16 GB RAM, GTX 1660 Super, costs 800 euro


The one here is most worthwhile: underneath it, a cyberpunk pc doesn't make sense either


I have an i5 10400, rtx 2060 and 16 GB of RAM and have an average of 60-70 fps.


And what does such a rig cost?