Electric shock from power strip?

- in PlayStation

I was gambling with a colleague and suddenly there was a little bang and my Playstation was out of the cable, probably out of the socket, think it was not right there. I touched the power strip with my foot at the moment it happened.

And then I wanted to ask whether I had been electrocuted or not. Even if it sounds stupid.

Do I have to worry that something happened there?

Or is a socket strip not as dangerous as a normal socket on the wall.

I'm currently worried = (

Sorry, if I have a lot of spelling mistakes yours I'm not German.


No, you didn't get electrocuted.

Cable wasn't right in the moment where you touched sockets. The plug went all the way out and the station was off.

The socket strip is definitely a cheap one from the supermarket in china


Do not worry and live! With an electric shock you would twitch or feel an electric current through your body that is in the wall more tingly you should know but not test. Does not get the heart and not everyone can survive what may not do so much to another. So be careful.


If you are electrocuted, you will definitely know it. So if you didn't feel anything except maybe a shock or something like that, then you certainly didn't get an electric shock.

What surprises me, however, is how this error came about, a cable usually does not just go out and even if the cable goes out of the connector strip, there's still no short circuit, there must have been an insulation fault. Say the power strip is over or the connection cable of your Playstation in the worst case, the Playstation has a defective one, but according to your description that is very unlikely.


You speak to me from the soul! Dozens of idiot questions like that every day. The latest trend is the suffix "I cried"

Really, I no longer know which topics to cross off my list to avoid such questions.