PS4 controller breaks connection, what should I do?

- in PlayStation

I have the following problem. I bought a used PS4 from a friend in January. Now I have the problem that the associated PS4 controller only gets a connection to the PS4 at a short distance.

Now I have ordered a new controller from Amazon that arrived today (Doubleshock 4 Wireless Controller) - But this one also only gets a signal at a short distance.

When I sit directly in front of the TV everything works, but I sit on the sofa (about 5m away) nothing works anymore.

I have put the controller on the charging cable again in the hope that it simply has a weak battery.

If I connect the controller directly to the Playstation via USB, everything works perfectly.

Do you have an idea what could be the reason?

Please help quickly, because I just feel a little fooled by "Paula" and I absolutely want to play the new game xD


Your Ps4's Bluetooth antenna is probably damaged.


How can you test that? We suspect something like this: / Is there a spare part?