Fritzbox 7560 PS4 connection breaks off?

- in Xbox

I have a PS4 pro in which the wireless connection breaks off again and again.

I suspected that this is a hardware error on the console and they are then released at saturn for repair and a replacement console (ps4 slim) received. Now I have the same error synonymous with the replacement. But not on my pc, my xbox or anywhere. A connection via lan is not possible with me because the router is too far away, connection is due to the ps4 despite over 80%. Could it be possible because of my router? Because when I was with a buddy, everything worked without problems. I would be very happy to find solutions.


I guess the following points are unfavorable in the router for a PS4:

Mixed operation in encryption WPA + WPA2 is set in the router. My recommendation is: only set WPA2 (no other encryption methods).

Do you have a dual-band wireless router? Then an automatic change from 2.4 to 5 GHz initiated by the router with the PS4 could go to hell. The PS4 can't get 5 GHz in the n-standard, I suspect. Is this the case for a trial different SSID's (= WLAN name) for 2.4 and 5 GHz in the router.

For the SSID for the n standard, set a fixed channel 1 or 6 or 11 in the router so that it does not switch to the 5 GHz channels with the n standard.

Do you have a lot of Wi-Fi neighbors, then set the n-standard in the router bandwidth from "automatically" to "20 MHz" (not "40 MHz"), the wireless network is then more stable.

With this free Android app you can check out your Wi-Fi environment which channel 1 or 6 or 11 is least used:


For these settings on the router, you must set the "Advanced View" or "Expert Mode" on the configuration page of the router.

It gets quite hairy, if you have an ipv6 connection, and this gets with a DS Lite protocol ipv4 addresses. But it is rare, as sometimes a FritzBox router can be better, they come out with it better.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Yesterday I simply assigned a fixed ip, which seems to have helped first


Fixed IP? You mean well fixed Wi-Fi channel at 2.4 GHz in the n-standard?

Me and others would be interested in what right now means with you fixed IP?

A local IP can be set permanently, but your public IP gives you your Internet provider when you start the FritzBox! You can't fix it!

On the PS4 simply set a fixed local IP address? With: is the router subnetmask

192.168.178.x is your PS4 (x an IP not in the allocation area of the DHCP)

DNS server switched to what? from Google?

Can you tell us something more?


I went in the Fritzbox OS simply on wireless network and then on the console and a checkmark at 'This network device always assign the same IPv4 address.' set.