Playstation 4 game for boredom girls?

- in PlayStation

My girlfriend is bored from time to time or she doesn't know what to do. When I'm at work she likes to play on my ps4 or something like that but I don't have the right games for her.

That's why I wanted to ask which games for women, 20 years old, are best suited to drive the boredom away.

In any case, it has to be a single player (multiplayer is never used anyway) and she doesn't like first person shooters.


Life is Strange


It has nothing to do with women. It should suit your taste.

Slime rancher


What else does she like to play or otherwise don't like?

My wife plays e.g. Assassins creed, god of war, madden, resident evil etc. The rest halt ballergames, far cry etc.


Whatever my sister (when I was 6-7 and she 14/15) was NFS or Dragonball. I don't know if your girlfriend is on it, but maybe she might as well.