Defragment PS4 hard drive?

- in PlayStation

Could you somehow defragment the PS4 hard drive? The updates take forever to copy, I suspect the hard drive because space needs to be made because the hard drive (2tb) is almost full.

So could I theoretically connect the hard drive to the PC and defragment it?

Does the hard drive still work in the PS4 afterwards?


Modern hard disks have an integrated file management… Defragmentation is actually no longer necessary, or actually does nothing!

See that you clean up your hard drive and delete unnecessary data (updates / temp files / etc).


First of all, PeterP58 has the right answer. So the fact remains that your plate is almost full. This hardly changes after defragmentation, which you could only carry out on the PC if your PC operating system or the defragmentation software recognizes the file format (exFAT / FAT32). To do this, the disk would probably have to be connected externally to the PC. An additional external (e.g. 4TB) disk is better. You can then shovel data over from the internal to the external disk.
- Without formatting, the original PS4 hard drive should still work in the PS4 after defragmentation. Unfortunately, windows always installs files like RECYCLE BIN and SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION, which could disturb the PS4 (but I don't know) and take up additional space:-(
You can't delete them with Windows home remedies.