I pay people to hang out with me, funny right?

- in PlayStation

I'm 20 and pay people to spend time with me. I wrote in a Facebook group where students are looking for jobs that I'm looking for a person between the ages of 18-23 who spends time with me. I pay the person 15-20 euro an hour.

Usually there are always disadvantaged people writing in that need help in everyday life and that's why many wonder why I'm looking for someone and always ask where the catch is. But there's none.

But I'm alone, no friends and need someone to go to the cinema with me, for example, for swimming, skiing, playing Playstation, walking.

Moments are very funny, most people are not allowed to earn more than 450 euro a month and therefore are not allowed to spend so much time with me. I have to look for different people now.

At the moment I'm paying 3 people to chill with me during the week and one to celebrate with me at the weekend or something similar.

What do you think about that? And do you think that these people like me?


If they like you, they do it voluntarily without getting any money.

Better go to clubs, find hobbies, attend courses. There you'll find like-minded people who don't have to pay


I do everything privately… Private boxing lessons, dancing.


That is your decision. As far as the person gets on well with you, everything is fine. If you have the money, everything is fine.


Yes, they are very nice


Then everything will be fine and you can live quietly if you are more satisfied.


And you can't get to know someone there?


I don't find it funny, I mean everyone somehow needs other people around them…

But I think that with these people you e.g. Couldn't really speak if you had any problems or concerns - otherwise they wouldn't be paid for. Maybe they like you, but I never think that you can really become friends, then money simply gets in the way.

But I don't think there really is anyone around you who wouldn't want to do anything with you! Maybe sometimes you have to take a closer look.


I have a psychologist to talk to, but he is very expensive 200 euro an hour. I'm going there twice a week for 2 hours, but now I'm going to look for a psychology student


But my boxing instructor, that's my private boxing instructor


May I just ask you personally why you go to this psychologist? Now just to talk about your life, or do you really have any psychological or social problems? (I hope I didn't express myself wrong somehow…)


Just for talking, I'm introverted.


Go boxing club


I pay people to hang out with me, funny, right?
Good day,

a very sad attitude that doesn't convey any friendships to you.

You are only 20y. Young and you should be able to find a group of friends who don't strive to get paid for company. Do you have too much money? You could invest these "investments" much better. Friendships often develop with common interests that you e.g. Could find clubs or include your free time for social projects.

You should only ever pay for societies, you will not experience success and at the end of the day you will only look back.

It is time to translate your wishes into other "deeds" without money, money… Just so as not to box yourself through life.


Yes, but I'm an introvert. And when I pay for it, there's no difference of opinion. I will always be right and the person will always do what I say

On the walk we go the round I want

When skiing I choose the ski area, etc


Neim the trainer comes to my house


Yeah nice

just spend your life at home


I'm going out anyway


Ok go out there and don't talk to anyone


What do you have against me


How long have you been going to this psychologist? The background of the whole thing is that at some point you may be able to open yourself up to other people.


I couldn't imagine because of the money and because I would feel weird to pay someone to hang out with me. I would scratch my ego. But if it works for you and it makes you happy, everything is paletti. Don't think people really like you, though. Sure, the basic requirement must be that you get along with each other, but I think that at most a small percentage really like you. In what sense did you mean like? So at what level?


1 year approx


And do you have the feeling that these conversations help you (sry, if I just ask…)


So I don't follow his tips but it is good to talk. I need someone who understands me


Sometimes you are surprised by people you may never have noticed before. Even if it is very difficult for you, you may have to dare to speak to so. It could also be difficult for other people to get close to you because you may look kind of repellent to them if you're pretty silent (even if you don't mean it that way, of course). You can only really get to know people if you talk to them and somehow can trust them. Otherwise there's always such an invisible barrier. But you can also tell someone that it is harder for you to talk to people, then they can understand you much better.


Yes, but there's no friendship without which the other expects something


What to expect


Any consideration


My friends don't expect anything from me and I don't expect anything from them… But in a friendship it is just that you are as honest as possible with others and that they are there for them. But in my opinion that is not a constraint, but it is nice to know that I can trust my friends and therefore I would always do the same for you. Friendship is just kind of love. (← OK, maybe sounds a bit "romantic" for me it is so…)


May bring you some satisfaction, but YES sagers are a lousy alternative. Freedom of expression and Exchange results in a positive exchange of blows in the end. At least that's not how you make your life interesting. Think about it…


That is your decision. As far as the person gets on well with you, everything is fine.

There's no '', ''.


How so?


Oh, right! A comma must be placed between the "is" and the "understand".


I know I'm super nice. But online I write freely in colloquial language, clearly how and as if it is confused, but basically I'm aware of what belongs where and when, thanks anyway for correcting


However, you are really nice and attentive