Theft in apartment. Suspicion. Should I go to the police?

- in PlayStation

About a week ago (probably 2 people) went into my apartment with a spare key and took a soundbar, a TV and PS4 plus controller and took games with me.

this happened during my night shift and in the morning I called the police directly and they recorded everything + photos and a list of all the things that were stolen.

a few days before we had a small party with 4 close friends of mine. However, there were two guys where I and a friend of mine suspected that they were. Apparently one of them also let me have my 2nd key. Unfortunately, I only noticed this on the day of the theft, where I then changed the lock directly.

Now, however, one of the two wrote that he got on the ears, that they are suspected.

I and the buddy of mine (we're the only ones who know) really didn't tell anyone else. I still had the number of the one who was with me that day from back then. But had little to do with it.

should I take the chat to the police as evidence? How should I go on? He wants to talk to me about it tomorrow. Should I address it that nobody else knows?

greet πŸ‘‹


With regard to your household contents insurance, you are obliged to do everything possible to a) clarify the claim and b) keep the occurrence of the damage as low as possible. So if you hold back such information and it comes out, you will lose your insurance coverage.


Yes, now the question is whether the police can take something (which he wrote to me) as evidence. Otherwise, of course, I would simply address it myself that no one knew about it and demand the things back or file a complaint.


Take screenshots of the Whatsapp / SMS messages and print them out.

You can also open a group on Whatsapp, take a friend with you and then throw him out of the group so that you are still only in the group.

Then you can put the screenshots in the group and, if necessary, make notes that only you can read.

Never hit one of the two you suspect.

Would report it to the police.


This is not evidence, just evidence. I doubt whether the police will be given a search warrant for 2 apartments based on these facts, especially since you could not unambiguously identify the objects.


But still the police should know about it…