Was there such hype at all? I had a PS 1 (only borrowed once) and never a PS2 (had a buddy). In the meantime I would have liked to have bought one back then.
How was it in those days? Was it sold out quickly? If you look at the PS5 today… It was really well pre-ordered.
What kind of memories do you have?
Back then the hype was more regional than national with us, the Xbox was in the hype back then, the internet was not yet mature enough for a hypetrain
At that time hardly anyone had the Internet, hardly anyone had consoles.
It was not so hyped, in any case, I'm not aware of any hype… Nobody in my circle of friends talked about it, we had better things to do ^^
This is the generation that is totally into technology. New phones, new consoles.
Without new stuff, you're just uncool
Also like now. Just without so many marketing terms and alleged advantages. Back then, the focus was on improving graphics.