Bf1: Access to DLC Features without Premium Pass?

- in PlayStation

I'm currently playing Battlefield 1 again on Ps4, nothing abnormal. Until I realized by accident that I have already played several rounds on maps on which I theoretically could not play because I have not bought either the Premium Pass or a single DLC, e.g. Verdun Hights and Fort Vaux. Also, I have often played with the Ross MK3 or the Enfield, which you can actually only get over the Apocalypse DLC. This does not work for other DLC weapons. My question: Does anyone of you have this access to (actually) not unlocked items? And is it possible that you can just play the other DLC weapons like that?


No idea if some DLCs are now permanently playable for free but some DLCs are usually free for a few months so there are still enough people playing the DLC maps.

Maybe they have already made some DLCs completely playable for free.