Police are rude and weird?

- in PlayStation

Moin, I (14) recently went to the bank with a bike and a bag of change at 22:30 because I wanted to deposit my money. Then the police stopped me for no reason (at the time it can't be because they said that they do not care about what time I drive there).

In any case, stopped me and one woman then said directly: did you drink alcohol or taken drugs? So I said: "Why should I and she said yes because it's cool for people your age.

Then they made an alcohol and drug test with me for no reason (which was negative as expected) and searched all my pockets. The police were also very very rude and threatened me 3 times or so that if I do not tell the truth that it will only make it worse for me (they probably thought that I stole the money and the ID card or something). The problem was that I had previously bought a Ps4 game and therefore had my mother's ID with me. Then they took the ID and went home with me.

I tried to explain how I can but honestly, that is really exaggerated especially with the drugs and alcohol test or am I mistaken? I would be interested in your opinion.


According to Article 102 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the police are only allowed to search you for real evidence of a possible offense, and according to your description, this search was rather unhelpful.

But in principle you can't do anything strange about the behavior.

But at 22.30 to the bank?


Yes, I was 10 at night from 11 in the morning until 10 in the evening and could not change my mind.


My question was rather, since when is a bank in operation at this time?


The machines are always in operation


The time is just the problem!

Police officers from experience will have acted that way.

Who brings his small change to the bank at this time? That's usually when there are teenagers under 16, people who have something to hide.

I think your story is quite adventurous! If I were a police officer, that would have seemed strange. Especially since even with almost 60 years at this time, I would not bring any money to the bank.

Do you even have your own checking account with debit card? Because at this time no bank has opened and you can pay the small change only on the machine with EC card.

The longer I think about it, your action seems more and more questionable and probably the same to the police.


However, the search may also have been carried out under the POLG, which is sufficient if there's a danger.


I honestly do not know what POLG is, but there was no danger.


I think most do not understand what I mean, but no matter.

yes I have my own Ec card and with me at the Kreissparkasse I can go all night long to the machines and withdraw money or deposit money, also deposit and hold everything else that goes to such a machine.


The officials were allowed you, for example. Search for weapons so you can't attack them.


And as I have already written, the time was no problem. The police themselves said that they did not care what time I drove to the bank.


Can you do, but you must not but according to the Youth Protection Act. There's tattoo at 22:00. Should one know at 14 but. Who is still on the way at 14, is suspicious.


Oh okay, but there was no reason for that anyway.


The tests were voluntary and it would never have been enough for a blood test. Since you are 14 years old, you probably do not have BPA, but your mother's. Plus a huge number of coins at a time of day, with most people running in after-work mode. All of this can but does not have to be harmless, and so the investigation by the police was legal.

In many regimes, your parents would probably have had to buy you out of custody after 2 days with a lawyer. This grumbling at the German police is more than strange!


They did not search you on the basis of the youth protection law, but because you made yourself suspicious with this action. A normal adolescent, your age, may come back from an event, but does not set off for the bank at this time.

This is something surreal!


Nenene's tests were not voluntary. I said that I do not want to do that but I had to.


How could they force you to blow?! Chest pressed flat?


How come? Why should not I go there just because it's a little later? And I did not make suspicious because I went there quite a long time. So I do not know where I should have made suspicious.


No, they told me that I only get more stress if I refuse to take the test. So I stopped him, but not voluntarily.


This is unfortunately no longer the reality today. As soon as you do not want to be examined or tested for drugs, you are already suspicious because you obviously (want to) hide something. They have taken a close relative out of the car without suspicion of the guard. After more than an hour of struggle and negotiation, their power words were: "either you will voluntarily give us their blood now, or we will hold them and take blood from them." The test was 100% negative and the (non-existent) suspicion has not been confirmed.

I was already seeing how people had to undress completely because they came from an electronic party or wanted to go there.

… I know many such stories or have experienced myself.

The "only on suspicion may be searched" is hot air and try to NEN cops to show or in any way to complain about his misconduct. If he beats you half dead, that may work, otherwise it will be nearly impossible. Especially when you are alone and it has to do with two policemen who behave as on coke.

Bodycams should be introduced.


The police are only allowed to do that if they are in danger themselves, and it was obviously not the case here.


Just by your presence after 22:00 you are suspicious. It's just not allowed!


Yeah, I understood that. But the police themselves said that they do not care if I'm out at 11 or not.


If they were interested in being present at this time, they would have reported you to the youth welfare office. But your presence around this primeval time makes you suspicious for drugs and burglaries. Her experience is right. That's why they searched and tested you. That's how it is!