Playstation account lock?

- in PlayStation

I played with my friends the same way as always GTA and suddenly I did not have the licenses for the game (I bought it online) and was logged out, after that I would also kicked out of the party and then stood (picture available) the picture. I have never uploaded anything sexist or anything else, which only thing I've been told that I was tricked by a sex bot and have sent me pictures. (Unintentionally). From a girl who is very liberally dressed. I do not know how they did it but it says that I've uploaded pictures that were sexist, even though I never uploaded anything but just which was sent to me, I also blocked them directly but would be locked for 7 days… I can't fault anyone can Psn help me, can someone help me?


"Licenses for the game" This error message came to me while playing where my PS Plus account expired at the same time.

What you describe here sounds absolutely incomprehensible. Either you are still hiding something crucial or they have locked you wrongly.

Sony has a very good phone support. Since you will have to call if you want to clarify it.


I can't completely follow any "story". Who told you that you were tricked by a sex-bot?

I also occasionally have the problem that I arbitrarily PSN "users" write on, as possible my credit card details and want to lure me on seemingly dubious Internet sites… As they are convinced that I'm such a poor, needy, lonely, single "Man" am. - I, on the other hand, am very merciless with such users who abuse the PSN for such things… And I therefore know from experience that the Sony reporting system and the support respond very, very quickly.

So I can't explain why you could be banned if you block such apparent "gamerinnen" immediately or she just including evidence to the Sony support reports.

I would call the Sony support in your place… Probably the fastest, to clarify the matter.


Thank you for your answers but I do not hide anything I played as normal as anyone else I've been a PS Plus member for three years and have never uploaded anything I can only remember is that I took a sexbot and they wrote me and I told her very clearly that she should stop and then blocked her in this message she has sent me any pictures of a girl who was very freely dressed sent it could also be because it has sent me and then reported me those pictures have allegedly uploaded but that is irrelevant now because you said that i can call there can someone send me a link where i where i can call or the number i would be very helpful and grateful thanks


So that's true with the licenses I've played all the time but because I was barred I did not have access to PS Plus but with my PS Plus I can only play GTA and that's why it was closed


That's the problem, I do not know exactly why I was banned the reason was that allegedly uploaded any sexist or other pictures was not true


Here are the pictures again


Here you should find the contact options for customer service.

Since one has to give a reason / proof, why one considers a spell with another user for right, those of the support perhaps even can say, why you exactly banned.


Called, the reason could not be mentioned exactly, he forwarded it for me


Then I hope that your account in this case soon "unlocked" and you can continue to gamble