Should I continue sitting in the chair?

- in PlayStation

I always like to say to all those who like hobbies such as drawing, painting, swimming, or just taking a walk I'm not sitting all day in front of the ps4 but I often sit in that chair when I paint and yes it makes a desk Chair is very often I have backache while gambling and painting sometimes I sit on the bed griege because although very light back pain but I'm not happy but on the bed because of my eyesight I wear glasses but if I sit further away I have still still problems when seeing yes and Christmas I finally get a gaming chair yes but I do not know now where I should sit I can't do this anymore I should put my chair with pillows and blankets so that it is more comfortable and now does not come Dan is sitting less I'm half of my day outside but should I sit on the floor?


And again, a tapeworm sentence by someone who knows no punctuation or spelling.

Since you pay so little attention to potential respondents that you do not even deliver a short question in a readable form, I respect you as a questioner just as little and refuse to read this alphabet.


How about easy back exercises? Your musculature atrophies… Just do a weekly sports day and do something good to your body.


Finally a reasonable answer


My girlfriend writes much worse and the brain can also read words, even though it is murks. It's fascinating what the brain can do and as long as the beginning and the end are true, you can even read it even when paying for replaced letters


So I have worked on the question only has to wait until Good question edited my question


It's not about the "ability". It's about appreciation and respect. The FS wants answers from us. But shows in this way how little he respects us. I refuse that.


If you can't see far with your glasses, you should think about going to the optician again.

If the chair is uncomfortable in the long run, put a small pillow in the lower part of the back to support the natural curvature of the spine.

By the way, you have to train your back muscles, because even if you later have your gaming chair, this will occur again and again with your back. Think about a system: After each completed round (while gambling), you do a back exercise 10 times. The whole thing may take about 20 seconds, but then you maybe do it 10 times a day…


Well it's not nice but effective to do sports. I'm wearing only glasses when I'm gambling and traveling, otherwise I see too blurry… I'm short-sighted and I'm sitting close to the small monitor that I use to play ps4. I prefer to paint without glasses she slips and bothers me then only. But I know the feeling of pain… You just get stiff… In contrast, sports in YouTube helps great video with stretching exercises. I have bals ortopäde appointment, I'm struggling during the walk… 😅 But if I get back physiotherapy will do really well. Maybe you could also consider it with you. That you also learn to sit down properly without the body is burdened too much.