Ps4 can no longer play this game what to do?

- in PlayStation

I don't quite know how to explain it, but I'll just give it a try. I bought it via ps4 or playstore, gta 5, played normally, etc. Now it doesn't work anymore, because it says please put your cd in and, as I said, I bought gta via playstore, does anyone know how to change it, so that is no longer there please insert cd.


You can try to delete the application and download it again from the store.

It worked for me.


Ever tried to delete GTA from your PS4 and then reinstall it from your game library? I'm not a specialist, but the correct data may then be accessed

(Or otherwise switch it off and on, restart the game, check for updates, check the last patch notes whether any of them might not work with your PS4, etc (the standard stuff))


Linzen renew.

Go to the settings, or delete once as written above


But for me gta is not displayed in the playstore


Try it like @ Gillette95 suggested.

Otherwise call the support, they will also help you.