How long does the repair service take for the Ps5?

- in PlayStation

I handed in my PlayStation 5 to DHL today so that it could be delivered to Sony and repaired there due to a defect. I wanted to ask if any of you have already had experience with the duration of the repair or how long it will take until I have my console again. Please only give information for Germany. It would be enough for me to know how long it will stay with Sony before it is shipped again.


Maybe I have to disappoint you a bit because what they have to repair or repair at Sony is a disaster, very much how long it takes I have had to wait two to three weeks until math work customer service Telekom on the phone the queue is a cheek So you could do better with Huawei, too, works fine but as far as your Playstation is concerned, it depends on what is defective and what they have to do and because of this so-called crisis it always takes longer anyway, but it becomes one For a long time you could count on it but you can also be shorter that depends entirely on that is completely different but Sony is a giant company that offers everything TV well Blu-ray recorder Blu-ray player oh no matter what is very very much yes only two up to three weeks you could do the math maybe longer you don't know exactly you can't really say yes and I have now noticed ic h did not put any punctuation marks sorry i hope you can read it, i'm sorry but at Sony you sometimes have to wait a long time but it depends maybe you get it earlier it depends what is broken which specialists how many people there now maybe but sick are normal flu maybe or that with it Kuroda no idea that you can say ne very badly now, especially at this time, I'm sorry sanie punctuation marks I keep forgetting sorry


Please excuse math work and customer service, I did not speak into the smartphone here I do not know why the wrong words come out, the autocorrection does not work and the one from Huawei where I sent it in was there again in two weeks. Now ne the autocorrection from this smartphone here so I did not speak these words in Math work and Telecom I don't know where these words come from now honestly I don't want to fool you with that, the autocorrection just doesn't work and they don't know why you see us are technology sometimes drives you crazy or drives you crazy


I saw on YouTube that people got their console back within 5 days. And the PlayStation support for ps5 is great for me. Until now (after about 10 phone calls (because of my stupidity ^^)) I didn't have to wait 10 seconds and it was my turn. Therefore I can't agree with the support statement. But otherwise thanks.


The one from my iPhone works great. And by the way… Why don't you just type in your sentences?


Yes, please excuse me, but it was like that for me, I'm sorry for which I have not been of any help to you, but I can only say what actually happened


Unfortunately, I can't type in as well as I have. I have epilepsy and I had two minor strokes and I only have a smartphone, no tablet, no iPhone, no PC, so I was not interested in the internet until three years ago, despite my age, I only use this here Internet the smartphone I don't even take it out, there's no SIM card in it, only the SD memory card is enough for me and via Niro Streaming I can send everything over to my television or my BluRay player is suitable and YouTube compatible who can I Send everything over yes I can't type anything and if that would take forever that's no excuse no self-pity no but typing with the right hand is hardly possible because of epilepsy and strokes and I'm often hostile for that no punctuation marks and so on no you are not in now in the case but I would be offended you should go to elementary school again your grammar and so on ne I registered that with a good question and the person was then blocked for 24 hours and I also got an answer back, that's true, I don't have to put up with that and then there was also a very shabby insult, you are so disabled you can put punctuation marks Unfortunately, I don't know it anymore, even if I learn it I know it but in the next second it's gone again I'm sorry I wrote too much take the history of someone I don't know ne you shouldn't be with you so quickly Judgment I didn't mean you, of course, but other people didn't feel hostile to something because a good question, although I didn't answer it, but what was always hostile to me until a good question threw him out for at least 72 hours