Blue light of death after water damage PS4?

- in PlayStation

Tomorrow everyone.

short course of events

-PS4 put out the window in the covered winter garden (because louder than a 🛫)

- received CE errors while gambling

- found that it was raining

- found that the cover of the winter garden has a mini hole, which of course was exactly over the connections of the PS4

-PS4 completed and reconnected (then 3 seconds blue light and immediately off again)

- tried again after 3 hours dries (PS4 turns on (infinite blue light and no connection to HDMI)

-Google for prices for new PS4

-Wait for competent help from strangers

-Thank the stranger who saves me 400 euro

BLOD must then be due to a defective HDMI port or a defective power plug, right?


, BLOD must then be due to a defective HDMI port or a defective power plug, right? "

It doesn't have to. The water may also have shorted the PS4's MB.

But a PS4 doesn't cost 400 euro anymore… Not for 3-4 years…


With modern microelectronics and the resource-saving structure, the water can have damaged all possible components - better the resulting short circuit.

Without measuring it is a matter of luck, if you are unlucky the board, the processor or something else has melted.

Take your insurance policy to hand and look in the fine print to see whether it is water damage or negligence.

I'm guessing that the insurance won't pay for it like that, but maybe you're lucky!

* Fingers crossed *


How could I proceed now? I don't want to get a ps4 at such short notice before ps5, but I don't want to do without it for a few months either. First I will order new HDMI ports and try it out. If that doesn't work, I'll order a new power plug / power supply or whatever. What could I do about the short circuit on the MB?


Let it dry for a few days. If it doesn't work, don't buy a PS4, then the Ps5