Playstation 4 Blue light of death?

- in PlayStation

Got his ps4 from a relative but it has the blue light of death and I don't get a picture on the TV, so I wanted to ask if someone could help me to fix this

I have already checked the following:

-HDMI and power connection are in sync or there are no bent or missing pins

-HDMI and power cord work and have been previously tested on my Ps4

-HDD is properly connected

-I tried to start in safety mode, but I don't get a picture there myself and no matter how long I hold the button, the ps4 only beeps once

Something strange that struck me, the Ps4 can still run after unplugging the power cable, I know that the Playstation still has power in the system that is used for it, but for 5 seconds?

I thank you in advance


Well, it's not called Blue Light of Death for nothing… You can't do anything more. Go to GameStop and send it in. Diagnosis costs 30 euro, which can be converted into a voucher if the repair is impossible.