Streaming with Elgato 4K60 Pro MK2?

- in PlayStation

To relieve my PC when streaming to OBS, I wanted to get a capture card. My question is: I have only seen that either 2 pc's were used or a ps4 and a pc. Can I still only use my one PC to stream or do I need something else? LG


A capture card collects the output image. This means that you are playing on one PC and another PC is streaming the picture with the capture card.
So you need 2 PCs


Hi, thanks for your quick reply. Is there another way to stream with my PC without it having a high load? I'm currently streaming with 1080p60fps and sometimes my graphics card reaches its limits or has a high load (GTX 2080ti)


I already tried to stream via the CPU, which worked well, but I only wanted to use this as a temporary solution. Have an i9-9900k


If you only have one PC, you probably have no other option than to use software. I myself only have experience with the OBS. However, there are still alternatives here. Perhaps there's a paid software that works more resource-friendly.

Do you play a higher resolution than you stream? Because a lot should work with your graphics card. What games do you want to stream?


I think I record in 4k and play 1080 on twitch, the toughest game currently is warzone for me, because it runs smoothly on obs but totally jerky on twitch


You can try to include only in 1080 synonymous. This relieves the graphics card enormously.

if it still stutters on Twitch, maybe it is the internet connection?


I'll try it, I doubt it's because of the connection, since every other game I stream runs flawlessly. In the main menu of cod everything is still green and runs without stuttering, but as soon as there's a round and I move it looks in the stream as if I have 25 FPS, in obs everything runs smoothly


A capture card needs a source and an output.

In your case, the source would be the ps4 and the output would be the PC. ONLY with a PC it is not possible to use a capture card.