My teachers say I'm gifted?

- in PlayStation

So to start, I don't want to push or anything, I've only been wondering this for a few months. To begin with, my French tutor at the time (who studied psychology for some reason) said that she thought I was gifted and that she also noticed it when she talked to me. I know myself that I'm different from the rest. After that, she talked to my mother, she told me she had made an appointment for an IQ test, I also had a school break and then but that kind of stuff felt more like PS4 to play (didn't have any friends or other social contacts at the time, that was my only refuge).

1 year has passed and my mother had to go to the parents' consultation day (every foreigner feels it is the day of his death, especially when your parents are Yugoslavs like me) . My mother comes back and I think like every year something comes like yes Lessons don't interest him, he's mentally somewhere else (partly it's not true, but it doesn't come from nothing), in any case she comes home and lo and behold, that the first time the teachers didn't flam me, I praise the first time get because they all see that I'm intelligent but one of them still does not get out of my head, my ethics teacher.

My ethics teacher (who is also a school psychologist, I know nothing to do with it) suddenly hits it, her child is very smart, really highly intelligent like almost no one she has seen in 13 years and says I shouldn't just take it easy and throw it away but take advantage of it and that I should make something of it. She also showed my mother many examples of how she recognized it

What I think:

They just wanted me to try harder and actually don't really believe that myself. I'm an unmotivated perk and my grades are so mediocre because I often don't pay attention in class (unless I like the teachers)

I hope you can figure it out and tell me what you think.


What examples did your ethics teacher give you?


After what you say, it sounds to me like you are really very intelligent.

The fact that, independently of one another, several teachers (with demonstrably well-founded pedagogical / psychological knowledge / studies, etc.) think you could be highly talented is neither a strange coincidence, nor an agreed matter to motivate you (I think that's more than only unlikely).

The fact that a school psychologist also tells you that she has not seen a smarter student in 13 years of professional experience reinforces this again considerably.

Take the IQ test and find out πŸ‘πŸ»

PS: Intelligent people are often lazy about certain things.


If your teachers do this to motivate you, then they are men of honor, but I don't think so, especially not with mediocre grades, there may be something to it


To find out what it would have been nice if you had phrased the text neatly. Anyway:

The content doesn't live up to what the title says I would say. Your tutor thinks you are high-handed and your ethics teacher thinks you are intelligent. I know. I also had.
However, this does not specifically suggest that a majority of your teachers consider you gifted. Try an IQ test and a talk with a psychologist. Then we're welcome to continue talking about it.


One thinks he is gifted. The tutor in French…


Like in class I answered questions. Her classes were quite free from ethics and more philosophy and decisions in everyday life


Many gifted people have problems in school if it's a school that doesn't address giftedness. The fact that you have mediocre grades even though you are not careful speaks for your intelligence.

Your lack of motivation, however, has nothing to do with your intelligence.


Nowadays almost all mothers have a gifted person, if you ask them, but that's not what we're talking about here. I also had high IQs between 140 and 150 in tests, but I wasn't happy with that, because whenever I messed up a job, they said they can do it all, just don't feel like doing it. Well that was sometimes the case, but I also had weak spots, it just wasn't accepted and everyone was picking on me and I couldn't please my father. So I only got ambitious at the tender age of 25 and made up for everything I missed, learned mechanical engineering and IT, worked for 15 years and took over the business from the boss. But I still think today that I would have achieved all of this much earlier if I had just been left alone.


My ethics teacher as well as my German teacher bro


Ethics teacher + French teacher. One with a (hopefully completed) psychology degree and a school psychologist.

So the evidence speaks for it. Just have it checked.

It would be quite incompetent to say such a thing if the student is not nearly intelligent.


My family doesn't care about that, I'm asking here


The French teacher. The ethics teacher only spoke of 'intelligent'. Many teachers also say this when the student is ahead of his or her level of knowledge or has a special interest in a subject and accordingly has knowledge.
In high school my history teacher threw me the chalk and let me hold a lesson and I was generally very, very good at the subject, but that has nothing to do with giftedness.


Up there's Ethics and French Tutoring. And the ethics teacher did not speak of gifted, but only of intelligent, especially since you did not provide any context.

Teachers also say something like this to explain to parents that the students could work better if they wanted to.


I don't quite understand your motivation right now. Even if only the school psychologist had said that the student is not only highly intelligent, but that in 13 years of professional experience she has not seen a child who is smarter: What speaks against having this checked?


I want to have it tested soon


Very good. Please do that πŸ‘πŸ» All the best.


One of the few who support here


Envy and disapproval are unfortunately widespread. ✌🏻


You also have good prerequisites to get along well with your life yourself. You don't necessarily need your people.