Why don't my teachers go on Twitch or Skype?

- in Twitch

During the Corona crisis, they are free to do nothing (really lazy).

We students have to work all the time, even more than usual and they have free time.

In addition, they do not make any corrections (had only received from 2 subjects). They don't even send solutions. Who now says that they have the virus (no excuse) … If I had the virus, I would have to make up for everything… They would not have to make up for anything. I can do tasks myself, I don't need teachers for that. (I even have to go to school on weekends so that I can send everything in time.) I even learned the new vocabulary during the holidays because I didn't have time.


They just take it easy, you can't do much about it. Be glad that you have tasks; the little we got was one and a half hours of work per roof up to now and nothing else.


This is usually possible with a maximum of 6 concentrated hours (school hours). (Or hold as much as you have)

Yes is not fair, but why don't you do something where you help each other? Maybe you have a good student in the class / grade. Yes, that with the teachers is not cool but it is so, but you could anonymously contact your teacher (via any Gmail address and if that doesn't help the directorate etc.)


How do you get the teachers off?

I know teachers personally and they have a lot to do, they prepare the learning material at home, but they have to go to school 2-3 days a week for discussions, documentation, phone calls to students and parents etc.

Certainly there are also those who are more comfortable, but there are in every profession.


But you already know that the people who are no longer at school… Have already finished school?

In other words, they have all of this behind them.
They have already served time.


During the Corona crisis, they are free to do nothing (really lazy).

This is a statement that you make in your youthful recklessness, not knowing better.

Teaching includes a whole lot more than teaching you knowledge in face-to-face classes every day. Or did you think the teachers would sit at the fireplace at home after class and enjoy their life?


That applies to now… During the corona crisis. Did you read the question at all, completely ignoring the topic.


The question, yes, you are right.