Banned from playstation?

- in PlayStation

So I was banned from playstation for 7th days but wrongly, I argued with two 'English people' they insulted me the whole time I didn't say anything about it at first and then I said that you should keep your freedom And they insulted me as fat and ugly and said other things, I admit I said a few things but I thought no, don't report them because you insulted them too, in any case I will have them Leave group and I just saw that I was banned. What should I do, I absolutely do not see it because they have not been banned now, although they deserve it


Well, that's bad luck, you could have reported them both, now they were just faster and you have 7 days to serve a ban 🤷♀️


Could they be banned because my friends have now also reported them?


I don't know, you basically have to prove that they have insulted you too, just saying the ABCs of Xyz insulted can basically anyone say 🤷♀️


Whether it is wrong is your opinion.

As far as I know, you can't apply for a ban on PSN. Those who insulted you will also have received a penalty (unless the support is stupid in moderation).


So there are the things in the chat that you said to me and my friends are still in the party so just click on the negative what you have written and report them


Can you try as I said ^^


So they said really bad things, but mine was harmless, I see it myself shouldn't have insulted back but that they can now continue to gamble in peace excites me because they just get away with it