Ps4 Pro suddenly went off and no longer works, what to do?

- in PlayStation

I played the normal spider man on my Ps4 pro until suddenly my Playstation just went off. Now it doesn't work anymore. With many it was so that the PlayStation at least still pipped when turning on, but even that doesn't work. Even when I turn on the controller, it still flashes, but then goes off again. I also dusted the ps4 pro and screwed it on, but unfortunately couldn't find anything. Nothing happened when the power cord was plugged in and unplugged. Please help me. Because especially at this time the Playstation has to work!


Will be smoked like so many PS4s. Sony never got the temperature problem under control


We had that with ours too. We broke the power supply in the ps4, we wanted to buy it new first, but it just wouldn't have been worth it in terms of price, so we bought a new one. But maybe, of course, when the shops open again, go to your point of sale and ask if they can do something.


You have to try a Ps4 repair kit. You can download it from beeg, com. Then you have to put it on a USB stick and plug it into the Ps4. When you start the Ps4 the program will automatically analyze your playsi. Then you have to wait about an hour and it should repair itself. If it still doesn't work then the hard drive is probably broken. But it's free… Download on m


Thanks for the link lmao


I would not voluntarily load any free garbage data anywhere on it.


Why not worth it in terms of price? A power supply only costs 50 euro