Is this diabetes or puberty? M14 help? Hello everyone?

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Is this diabetes or puberty? M14 help?!
Hello everyone!

I have always been tired and beaten for 5 months.

I also do a bit of sport. (1 once a week)

I often sleep about 7 hours and am still tired.

But I always play at least two to three hours of playstation 4. (Could it be because of that?)

Weight 53kg and size 173 cm.

I'm easily underweight I think so.

Can you help me


You're really a little bit lazy, what about your diet? If you are missing important substances it can come to the symptoms described by you.


Let's take the blood sugar times at the doctor's bloodstream


Can come from underweight, can also be iron or vitamin deficiency?

7 hours of sleep are not much in your age!

2-3 hours Playstation already!


It could be diabetes.

When it was recognized by me, I had these symptoms, among other things. I do not want to make you panic but you should not sweep it under the table. It is best to go to your family doctor promptly (the next 1-2 days) and have your blood sugar measured and take a HbA1c test (long-term blood sugar). You can also check all other values. It could also be due to a defect. With that you can determine it exactly.


A question did you feel better then and how are you today?


Does not sound like the typical symptoms of diabetes. Are you family biased?

The symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight loss, thirst, urgency, blurred vision, nausea, decreased performance, difficulty concentrating.

But you can measure your (sober) blood sugar for a few euro in any pharmacy or you make an appointment with the family doctor


So am I underweight? With 53 kg and 172cm




OK Thanks I'm now trying to eat healthier and eat a little more meat (I do not eat much in the morning, actually I have only two meals a day.


This is too little!


If it does not get better, I'll go to the doctor


Why do you think it's too little?

I will also do more sport.


Because I see that on my grandchildren, they are too thin!

One sports especially if you want to lose weight, so do not do too much!


First, thanks for the quick response!

This is how my week with the diet always goes off.

Monday: In the morning (7am) to 12 I eat only something small.

Then I eat only at about 15 clock first and later in the evening at 18:40.

I never drink water or mineral water.

I only drink iced all the time and drink coke.

This is how every day really works.

Otherwise I always go to McDonald's on Saturday and sometimes Sunday.

I do not do a lot of sports in my free time just at school a bit.


Meanwhile, the medicine is so far at least for diabetes 1 which should be closer to you if at all what is that you (also me) can lead a completely normal life. I can eat everything and do everything normal people do. The only downside is just the effort you have to operate (calculate the BEs [carbohydrates] and compensate with insulin pump or pen). Also, you can no longer perform some professions which in my case is not a disadvantage because I never wanted to do these professions. If the diabetes is well adjusted, you have the same quality of life as anyone else. I was really dirty when it was recognized. In the meantime I'm fine with it and I'm fine. Even if diabetes is not an end of the world. One is explained everything and one is trained.

Of course I wish you all the best and that you have no diabetes!

You can report after the test times how it went out!

You can also write a comment if something burns on your soul.


Honestly, I'm appalled that your mother has no eye on her child's diet.

Please do not misunderstand me but I think that it does not really do anything for a fourteen year old to write here how to feed himself. You should talk to your parents about it. About your symptoms and about the things that are available to you at home.

For a look, look here,

Is this diabetes or puberty? M14 Mi Mightyvivaan4082