Is this diabetes or puberty? M14

- in PlayStation

I have always been tired and beaten for 5 months.

I also do a bit of sport. (1 once a week)

I sleep very much sometimes about 11 hours and am still tired.

But I always play at least two to three hours of playstation 4. (Could it be because of that?)

One thing I've noticed when I'm sleeping, I move a lot, and every day I watch about 4 hours on the phone

Can you help me


Diabetis is more likely to be quite thirsty and there's sugar in your urine (which is why Diabetis mellitus has its name).

So if you're not weighing just 140 pounds and just lying in bed, diabetes is unlikely.


I think that's just puberty - or maybe you sleep bad and restless in general. Even private grief of all kinds (school, love, family problems, etc.) may be reflected in sleep problems and in a very light sleep, which gives little real recovery. Do you have any worries and problems that make you breathe?

Or do you live in the south, where there are currently summer holidays? Maybe your body is so much in the "holiday mode" that he is now looking for the recovery, which he just can't get to school and just now fetches on such slow sleep, latent fatigue and listlessness - maybe you are right in the holidays sluggish, what favors that.

Diabetes has very different, far-reaching side effects than "only" relative fatigue. You can't be confused!


You're probably moving too little and you're clearly sleeping too long. Too much sleep can also make you tired. Normally 8, at most 9 hours of sleep should suffice.

Spend less time on the phone and on the Playstation and often move in the fresh air would certainly make sense.


During puberty, the body changes, which consumes a lot of energy. That's why teenagers often feel tired and exhausted.

Varied and vitamin-rich food helps something about the lows. And sleeping in is not wrong.

Maybe reduce the time on the phone and make good use of it. That in addition to the nerves.


Are you snoring maybe? Obesity favors that as well. Do you have a dry mouth in the morning and / or sleep with your mouth open in the morning? Then it may be that you have breath interruption at night. Maybe just tell the doctor and if necessary have it checked in the sleep laboratory.