Ps4 party is lagging and in the meantime micro stutters despite a solid ping?

- in PlayStation

For 3 days I have had problems connecting to Ps4. I mainly play rocket league and out of nowhere I have permanent "packet loss" even though the ping varies between 40-60. I also notice that my colleagues in the party also have slight stuttering when speaking. The download rate is normal as always and otherwise the internet works perfectly… Router restart has been carried out several times.



Packet loss has no real effect on ping, so ping is a protocol with little data. By transmitting voice or COmmands in games, there's more data transmission on your line.

The router restart was already a good approach, therefore a firmware update often hangs and which is remedied by a restart.

In your case, you should call your ISP and have your line checked to the house from the distributor. There could be a problem with the supply line.

As mentioned, your ISP can tell you more details.

If there are no problems there you can report again then I give you a few approaches what you should check.